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To watch previous Sunday services or sermon only videos, join us on Youtube here:
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(visit the YouTube page to see past services)

SERMON: God Is Working Behind the Scenes
with guest speaker Holly Greenidge

Circle of Equality Tree Art Project

(Many of our Sunday services are dialogues. The dialogues are conversations between Pastor Amato and interesting people from all backgrounds with helpful perspectives worth consideration. )

CONVERSATION: Asylum Seeker Solidarity Collective
In this special conversation service, Pastor Giuseppe Amato was in dialogue with
Jan McManus of WeShine on the Village and housing the homeless

CONVERSATION: Asylum Seeker Solidarity Collective
In this special conversation service, Pastor Giuseppe Amato was in dialogue with
Alyssa Walker Keller on refugees and asylum

CONVERSATION: Kalikasan Solidarity Org.
In this special conversation service, Pastor Giuseppe Amato was in dialogue with
Maria Kaiser on human rights in the Philippines

CONVERSATION: Truth and Repair
In this special conversation service, Pastor Giuseppe Amato was in dialogue with
UCC leader Rev. Tyler Connoley

Circle of BLM Tree Art Project
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To watch previous Sunday services or sermon only videos, join us on Youtube here:
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